Friday, 4 July 2014

My week #4

Wesnesday night was kinda strange. Do you ever get when you're boiling hot, freezing cold, shivering, shaking and sweating all at the same time? Yep, well that's what I had. What's a girl to do when you're all hot and cold at once? 
The freezing cold-ness lasted most of Thursday too even though it was about 25C. Unfortunately I didn't manage college on Thursday and it was my last day! SO annoying/frustrating/stressful/upsetting! 

On Friday, my friend Lucy (otherwise known as Bruce - don't ask!) came over. 

Saturday I did a little college work and washed m hair. I watched an episode of Gossip Girl. No,  I haven't seen them all yet, yes, I am very late to the par-tay! I'm on Season 5 episode 22. P.S who knew Bart Bass was still alive? Crazy times, crazy times! 

On Sunday, we went to a teddy bears picnic for my cousins second birthday. I was super annoyed I forgot to take any pictures as I wasn't feeling well beforehand and wasn't sure if I felt well enough to go, I forgot to take my phone. I did take a picture of my make up before hand...

And here's the teddy I took... Well she's technically a rabbit and her names Pansy! 

How was your week? 
Chloe xx


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