My mum dropped me off at college to hand in an assignment, then we popped into Starbucks so I could get one of these bad boys ....
We then went for a drive, mum popped to Argos whilst I sat in the car and then we went to matalan. I'm actually really impressed that I managed all this because it sounds like a lot, even though it only took a couple of hours and I was sat in the car for most of it. I felt so rough when I woke up that morning and I had a few moments, especailly in college and Starbucks when I just had to focus on the most random things and pray my legs wouldnt give way. I honestly felt amazingly ill. It's crazy how just waking up can make you feel so bad!
On Friday it was my sisters birthday... Here's a picture of her cake...
Me and my mum had a girls night in and watched About Time - love that film!! And I had the best Caeser Salad of all time..! Then this happened... Oops...!
On Saturday, I made my mum a birthday cake... (Is it me or is this weeks post basically just food?! I've kinda fallen off the healthy eating wagon!)
Then on Sunday, it was my mums birthday and we went out for a pub lunch.
How was your week?
Chloe xx
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