The Symptoms:
- Persistent fatigue that does not improve with bed rest or sleep and is severe enough to reduce average daily activity by at least 50% for at least six months.
- Muscle weakness and pain, especially in the shoulders, upper arms, thighs
- Muscle twitching
- Blurred vision
- Numbness/pins and needles
- Tender swollen lymph nodes, particularly underarms and neck
- Joint pain
- Poor circulation (cold hands and feet)
- Chronic sore throat, often with recurrent flu-like symptoms
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Sensitivities (to light, touch, food, chemicals, perfume, paint etc.)
- Alteration of taste and smell
- Headaches
- Rashes
- Dryness of mucous membranes (throat, mouth ,eyes)
- Mouth ulcers
- Uncomfortable or frequent urination
- Poor concentration
- 'Foggy' thinking
- Difficulty speaking and choosing words appropriately (for example saying, black when you mean white)
- Poor memory
- Interrupted sleep patterns
- Depression
- Mood swings, anxiety
- Brain fog
- Inability to control your temperature
Thank you for reading xx
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